Your college or school blocking all the sites you want to see…… So you may be tried using proxy sites… ohh Gosh… They were also blocked in your network.Now launch your own proxy site for anonymous browsing for free and learn a little about Cloud Computing and google cloud.
There is no need of programming knowledge for it… Just it is Simple steps.
Ingredients for your Proxy:
Ingredients for your Proxy:
2. 1. Python 2.6.4 – Windows MSI Installer and install Python.
Direct Download: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.4/python-2.6.4.msi
2. Google App Engine SDK for Python
Site: http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads.html#Google_App_Engine_SDK_for_Python
Direct Download: http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/GoogleAppEngine-1.5.3.msi
3. Python proxy site files
Download: https://sites.google.com/site/psmkreddy255/psmkreddycloudapp.zip?attredirects=0&d=1
2. Google App Engine SDK for Python
Site: http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads.html#Google_App_Engine_SDK_for_Python
Direct Download: http://googleappengine.googlecode.com/files/GoogleAppEngine-1.5.3.msi
3. Python proxy site files
Download: https://sites.google.com/site/psmkreddy255/psmkreddycloudapp.zip?attredirects=0&d=1
You can see so many scripts to create a proxy sites in a Google search may be you can try to get them in Google or can download the script provided by me in 3rd Ingredient i.e Python proxy site files.
Step 1: Go to www.appengine.google.com
Steps to Create Proxy:
Step 1: Go to www.appengine.google.com
Step 2: Login with your Gmail Id and Password.
Step 3: In My applications Screen Click on “Create Application Button”
Step 4: In Create application field give the name of your proxy site and Application name and click on Create Application button.
*Remember: Don’t use “proxy” word in your site name as administrator may block the proxy word in your network.
Step 5: Now you can see Application Registered Successfully message, Now click on Dashboard.
Your Cloud Application setup is completed now you have to upload your proxy script into it.
Step 6: Install Python 2.6.4 in your PC , which you have downloaded.. It is very simple steps of Next, Next…
Step 7: Install Google App Engine SDK for Python which you have already downloaded. It is also Simple Next.. Next Steps…
Step 8: Open Google App Engine and configure it to use your python
Configuring App Engine:
a. Open App Engine launcheràEdit à Preferences..
b. Give Python Path as C:\Python26\python.exe (Check in your C Drive if it is different)
c. Give app Engine SDK Path as C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine (Check in your C Drive if it is different)
d. Editor as C:\Windows\notepad.exe
e. Deployment Server –Leave Blank.
f. Now Press Ok to save.
Step 9: Now extract files from psmkreddycloudapp.zip (Downloaded as 3rd ingredient) into a folder.
Step 10: Now go to Google app launcher Go to Fileà Add Existing Application. Give the path where you have extracted psmkreddycloudapp.zip files and click add.
Step 11: Now highlight the application name and click on Edit.
Give the application name at application.
If you have created an application like psmkreddycloudapp.appspot.com then your application name is psmkreddycloudapp . Save and Close Notepad.
Step 12: Now Just Click on Deploy. It will ask you for Google login and password give them and click on ok.
Step 13: Now you can see a deployment to Google window.. It will show you “Process Exited with code 0” Which means you have successfully deployed your first application into google cloud.
Now go to your web browser and Enjoy anonymous browsing.
* *Using this Proxy to violate INTERNET usage policy of your organization or school, you are only liable for any actions that are taken by your Organizations. In some cases you may kick out of organization.As of now using this you can only see the site but you cannot login to any site.
If you have any questions doubts you can ask me at urtechfriend@gmail.com or http://www.facebook.com/urtechfriend or http://www.facebook.com/krishnareddypadala